Sunday, April 7, 2013

Perfect just won't work

I've realized that I'm trying to be too perfect. Both on the boat and in blogging. I'm going to be posting more short posts with mostly pictures, rather than trying to write long profound prose. After all, this is a progress blog.... Supposedly

Right now, I'm reefing the seams on the hull so they can be caulked and puttied. This will also help me identify areas of rot. Here's a picture of the progress.

And one of the tools I'm using

Heat gun, homemade reefing iron. Scrapers brush and mallet.

Woot, update complete!

1 comment:

  1. Steve, I found your blog on Snipe #1953 for the first time on 10/29/13, let's establish contact by e-mail. I would be happy to give you suggestions on restoring your 1936 Snipe "Shady Lady" built by Francis Schwander of Los Angeles. John Rose, Tacoma WA Tel. 253-752-4749
