Monday, July 22, 2019

Caulking done. Paying seams

After three coats of varnish I started the caulking process.   Drove cotton twine into the seams then paid them wit dap 33 window glazing putty. Which is probably close to what they used originally.   I used a caulk tube to extrude the putty into strips then used a mason jointer to push it into the seams.   Much more satisfying then taping and using some of the new  fangled caulk that is a sticky mess.  But may not last as long, although nothing the caulk on the boat was window putty from 1936.  Once I have payed all the seams, I’ll wait until it skins over then resume more coats of varnish.  Getting closer and closer. 

Saturday, July 13, 2019

First coat of varnish

First coat of varnish is on
Below is the before picture after sanding and degreasing

Here is after (below). With the first coating epifanes thinned 50%